Markets coverage, company profiles and industry insights from Australia's best business journalists - all collated and delivered straight to your inbox. Under this three-year agreement, RooLife will provide its digital marketing services to promote and sell Blis' Probiotics product range in China. RooLife is a fully owned Australian Public listed company and has proven trusted channels to market in China. 30 Days of MarketBeat All Access for $1.00. RooLife Group Ltd (RLG, formerly OpenDNA Limited) provides fully integrated digital marketing and customer acquisition services focusing on driving online sales of products and services for its clients. Australia Services. schlecht The RooLife Group provides fully integrated digital marketing and customer acquisition services, focusing on driving online sales of products and services for its clients. First Tranche: RooLife Group will issue a total of 27,935,950 new fully paid ordinary shares at an issue price of $ 0.035 per Share this week utilising the company’s existing placement capacity under ASX Listing Rules 7.1 and 14,921,193 Shares will be issued under ASX Listing Rule 7.1A in tranche 1. The company's fourth quarter revenue sits at just over $1 million, bringing its FY20 unaudited revenue to $3.4 million, representing a 380 per cent increase from $710,000 in FY19.
RooLife Group News & Analysen: Hier finden Sie die News & Analysen-Seite für den Wert RooLife Group.
Aug 21 (Reuters) - Roolife Group Ltd (RLG) : PLACEMENT & ENTITLEMENT ISSUE TO RAISE UP TO $6.3 MILLION Powered by the company’s proprietary hyper-personalisation and profiling Artificial Intelligence System, RooLife provides personalised, real-time, targeted marketing. Bitte zusätzlich den Namen der neuen Watchlist angeben.
Bitte zusätzlich den Namen der neuen Watchlist angeben. RooLife Group competitive advantages and company strategy can generally be found in its financial reports archived here. The RooLife team have experience across platform and mobile development, digital marketing, e-Commerce, online and offline sales and payment solutions in China. HotCopper has news, discussion, prices and market data on ROOLIFE GROUP LTD. Join the HotCopper ASX share market forum today for free. Auf diesem Angebot werden u.a. RooLife Group News: auf dieser Seite finden Sie alle RooLife Group News und Nachrichten zur RooLife Group Aktie. Our Clients. RooLife Group’s Australian Digital Marketing Team based in Sydney is a fully integrated digital marketing business driving customer acquisition strategies and delivering strong return on investment for its clients. RooLife Group (RLG) has been appointed by Blis Technologies as its exclusive cross border e-commerce service provider for China. RooLife Group Ltd (RLG) Overview. RooLife Group Ltd is a fully-integrated e-Commerce, digital marketing and customer acquisition services company powered by its OpenDNA hyper-personalisation Artificial Intelligence (AI) System, helping its clients to boost online sales of their products and services, particularly those companies that have Australia and China-focussed sales strategies.Get a call to receive stock recommendation services from Kalkine Pty Ltd (Copyright © 2020 Kalkine Media Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.By clicking on submit, you agree to receive the aforesaid information & marketing offers as per our Stockhead's morning newsletter makes things simple: Markets coverage, company profiles and industry insights from Australia's best business journalists - all collated and delivered straight to your inbox every morning. RLG Share Price and Trading History RELATED STOCKHEAD STORIES
Roolife Group Ltd, formerly OpenDNA Limited (OpenDNA), is a fully-integrated eCommerce, digital marketing and customer acquisition services driving online sales solutions provider. Für die aufgeführten Inhalte kann keine Gewährleistung für die Vollständigkeit, Richtigkeit und Genauigkeit übernommen werden.
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