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Notice that Venus and the feature stay in step almost exactly opposite each other across the middle of the detector.
In a post on the agency’s STEREO website, it says this: “Some people have noticed an odd shape, sort of a cross inside a circle, entering the field-of-view of the HI2 telescope on STEREO Ahead around February 20,2020.
Positions of STEREO A and B for 31-Aug-2020 01:00 UT.
Why would NASA, so historically unwilling to address any sort of unusual space anomalies, bring one up on its own?
Last Revised: Sunday, 30-Aug-2020 08:21:10 EDT Responsible NASA Official: STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) is a solar observation mission. Eventually there is a cone shape that appears next to it. Behind look to the left. MISSION Mission Spacecraft Launch Instruments Where is STEREO? This effect has been seen many times before.”Well, that explains it for everyone except the true believers in Ezekiel’s wheel – it’s Venus being reflected inside the telescope.
STEREO 10 Year Anniversary IN THE NEWS What's New?
You can see the feature in question in this movie moving from right-to-left, just below the trapezoidal occulter on the right side of the image.The answer lies on the exact opposite side of the image.
It should make sense to anyone who knows a little about cameras (remember those? February 29, 2020That’s the headline describing a video uploaded to YouTube by The Hidden Underbelly 2.0, who credits a “Vasco Fernandes” for spotting it on a video from the A camera of the STEREO Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) pair. There are no Even as the angle increases, the addition of an Earth-based view, On October 1, 2014, contact was lost with STEREO-B during a planned reset to test the craft's automation, in anticipation of the aforementioned solar "conjunction" period. For other uses of "Stereo", see Illustration of a STEREO spacecraft during solar array deployment I took another look at the data and compared it to 2 years ago when Venus was at the same location in the HI2 images and find that the appearance, motion, and growth of the "object" matches what was seen then, proving that it is a lens flare caused by Venus.
(“NASA’s gonna have to have some explaining for this.”“Some people have noticed an odd shape, sort of a cross inside a circle, entering the field-of-view of the HI2 telescope on STEREO Ahead around February 20,2020.
Shown here are the latest SECCHI beacon images.
Telescope Resolution . However, rather than leaving it at that, NASA sees it necessary to bring up something else.“We have also gotten some questions about why the images from the most recent few days are of lower quality and are sometimes incomplete. Last Revised: Wednesday, 02-Sep-2020 10:21:15 EDT Responsible NASA Official:
February 29, 2020That’s the headline describing a video uploaded to YouTube by The Hidden Underbelly 2.0, who credits a “Vasco Fernandes” for spotting it on a video from the A camera of the STEREO Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) pair. ), lenses and optics. Options.
The STEREO space weather beacon telemetry mode is a very low rate, highly compressed …
Because of the large compression factors used, these
Why would NASA, so historically unwilling to address any sort of unusual space anomalies, bring one up on its own? Later analysis of the received telemetry concluded that the spacecraft was in an uncontrolled spin of about three degrees per second; this was too rapid to be immediately corrected using its After a silence of 22 months, contact was regained at 22:27 UTC on August 21, 2016, when the Deep Space Network established a lock on STEREO-B for 2.4 hours.Engineers planned to work and develop software to fix the spacecraft, but once its computer was powered up there would only have been about two minutes to upload the fix before STEREO-B entered failure mode again.Six attempts at communication between September 27 and October 9, 2016, failed, and a carrier wave was not detected after September 23. And why has it suddenly switched to what it admits is a lower quality feed right after the so-called “Ezekiel’s wheel” appeared?
This is because our data comes in two streams – highly compressed and lower quality but fast space weather beacon data, which are replaced after a few days with better science-quality images.”Hmm.
The strange looking geometrical “object” is actually an internal reflection of the planet Venus within the telescope optics. At the same time as this strange-looking feature starts being visible, the very bright planet Venus enters the HI2-A field-of-view from the left. Was NASA just annoyed … or is it trying to hide something about this particular UFO?Huge “Ezekiel’s Wheel” Type UFO Spotted In Our Solar System By STEREO A Camera. three viewpoints (post-solar-conjunction), Ahead, Earth, and Behind. Eventually there is a cone shape that appears next to it. The STEREO space weather
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