I had a mouthpiece with no bad notes, a rich full loud sound and a real trombone quality in soft playing.Back again after the tour, I managed to work out the perfect projection of the mouthpiece from the trombone. < 0000009328 00000 n I proffered my prototype; he looked at it suspiciously: “I thought you said it was for a trombone! It is perfect instruments such as the Conn 6H, Bach 12, Yamaha YSL-891Z, King 3B and King 2B. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. One was the need to be able to play a reliable high D – I remember describing this feat as being like getting a ‘double top’ in darts, i.e.
CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY INCLUDED! Dr. Benavidez is the Tuba-Artist Faculty at the Round Top Summer Music Festival and is the acting Principal Tuba of the Syracuse Symphoria Orchestra and the Syracuse Opera. Carl Fontana is an international name in the jazz world, once called "the trombonist's trombonist." We all faced the same problem of trying to find the ideal mouthpiece, so when they realised that I was working on it, several of them said “When you get it right, let me have one” We all agreed that a final touch was needed, so on the next LSO visit to New York City, when we paid our regular visit to Bob Gardinelli’s shop I asked his advice.
0000007683 00000 n A favourite of the legendary Carl Fontana and Don Lusher 1930s VB 11C But better intonation 12CS 24.50mm V-type The smallest model of the range, the 12CS is designed for the big-band specialist.
This mouthpiece dates back to the late 1920’s and was known as the Over the years this model had been gradually reduced in cup volume and therefore sound quality. I duly paid Mr Cox a visit, the first of many that I spent in his tumbledown workshop, with two rattling lathes, a pillar drill, a slow-but-sure stove and shelves of miscellaneous equipment.
It was inspired by the Vincent Bach 6½AL. 0000020653 00000 n This was almost perfect, and I asked many colleagues to help me with testing.
“Could you make me fifteen – twenty?” Old Bill shook his head; “expensive,” he said.“If I’m going to make twenty – five, I couldn’t guarantee that they would be all the same; it would be just as cheap to make a former – tool and produce 100.”Fired by my own enthusiasm, I said “OK, make me 100!” Then I thought ‘What have I done?!
I chose five trombonists (from different periods of jazz history) as distinct examples of swinging: Edward "Kid" Ory, Weldon Leo "Jack" Teagarden, Benny Powell, Carl Fontana… 12-ago-2013 - Amazon.com: Denis Wick 12CS Silver-Plated Medium Trombone Mouthpiece. The tone quality with the very small mouthpiece supplied with the instrument was terrible! 0000004065 00000 n 0000016879 00000 n 0000003528 00000 n Carl Fontana, a jazz trombonist whose effortless-sounding virtuosity became widely known through his tenure with the Woody Herman and Stan Kenton bands, died on … The rim of the original was very sharp and not really usable, so this had first to be modified.
Carl Fontana used this for many years, and I'm thinking of getting it for my new horn.
0000018256 00000 n 0000004338 00000 n 0000001863 00000 n It is a happy coincidence that it is an exceptional match for the small-bore tenor!’The 10CS makes a sweet and rich sound. Another Denis Wick 50th Anniversary Special Edition Trombone Straight MuteDenis Wick 50th Anniversary Special Edition Trumpet Straight MutePrivacy & Cookies: this site uses cookies. Ken Hanlon, a professor of music at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas is writing a biography of Fontana, who moved to Vegas in the early '50s. This set me on the path of trying to find a better mouthpiece.Having made certain there was nothing from any manufacturer that would do what I wanted, I began the tedious and slow process of trying to design my own. I tried it; the result was sensational! 0000020360 00000 n A few years later Yamaha in Japan borrowed it from me when I was on tour with the LSO and made a copy which was actually much better – they gave me the copy!
0000002295 00000 n %PDF-1.5 %���� The rounded rim prevents fatigue after long hours of hard playing Used for many years xref A bit big, isn’t it?”“That’s the size I want,” I said; he asked “how many?” I thought quickly; there had been several trombone players in the London orchestras who had expressed an interest in my idea. The other weakness was a tendency towards anonymity (horn, euphonium, harmonium?) It had been illegal to import foreign instruments, but the Board of Trade lifted this embargo in 1958 and I bought the Lätzsch shortly afterwards. The alto trombone was rarely used in London, and I remember having to make a journey to Dover to collect the new instrument sent from Bremen in order to pay the duty. Denis Wick recalls “I originally designed it for my old German alto trombone, which was made by Lätzsch. John Pettinato ( aka "peppy") who worked in the Bach factory in Mt Vernon, NY and later had his own repair shop in NYC where he made the PHD mouthpieces. The innovation behind the Heritage series for trombone lies in the combination of increased mass at key points that reduce energy loss with thinner upper walls that provide power and sensitivity at all dynamic levels. It has a clear singing quality and great projection. 10 0 obj<> endobj He previously held a similar professorship at the Ithaca College School of Music. Amazingly, it started life as a mouthpiece for the alto trombone. 0000020898 00000 n What he did not know, and I had not realized, was that subtle removal of metal from that part of the mouthpiece gave it an additional brilliance, particularly in the high register.Bill and I agreed to have my name and ‘London’ put on the outside of the mouthpiece and his next question was, “What are you going to call it?” Another blank look from me. This made a magnificent loud sound, but had two weaknesses. Designing a mouthpiece for the alto is difficult – the tolerances are much finer than with tenor trombone mouthpieces. After several weeks of careful, painstaking working, we slightly altered the curves in the cup and finally evolved the 6BS. 0000006131 00000 n 10 28 0000006944 00000 n Then you’ve got the chance of 25 more models!” I thought this mildly amusing, as this had never occurred to me! It was only the second mouthpiece that I developed, coming after the original ‘A’ model which became the famous 4AL.
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