A solution was their but not for long there was a private charity that provided hospitals, sanatoria, and vocational training. The demand for minerals and pulp was their and this made tons of Canadians move into the northern forest and onto the canadian shield where there was tons of minerals. In 1914, Canada had a tiny standing army, a two-ship navy and no air force. During this time canada's industrial had extremely advanced, they did this with “export booms” during this time they made cars and aluminum, paper and pulp, and radio and home appliances which helped spark many more advancements in technology This event lead on to The Great Depression. 1914-1929 B1.1 Describe some key social developments in Canada between 1914-1929, and assess their impact on the lives of different people in Canada. Between 1914 and 1915, 50 000 railway workers lost their jobs due to Canada's railway debt. In 1929 there was one car on the road for every five Americans. Many of the women who took these jobs already worked they just wanted better pay. This lead to massive debt in canada. History Timeline - Unit 1 - Cheuk-lun Cheung - Economic change in Canada from 1914 to 1929 Timeline created by captainccl. Canada's pre-war budget had gone from $185M to $700M by wartime. As the war began and debt continues to rise, Canada asked citizens to lessen food consumption. Procesos Históricos y aspectos relevantes de la protección de datosDesarrollo Histórico de la Educación Media de GuatemalaConceptualización de la salud y la enfermedad a lo largo de la historiaANTECEDENTES Y EVOLUCIÓN DE LA PROTECCIÓN DE DATOS PERSONALES.BREVE DESARROLLO HISTÓRICO DE LA EDUCACIÓN MEDIA EN GUATEMALALINEA DE TIEMPO DE LOS PRESIDENTES DEL ECUADOR DEL ECUADOR DE 1979 HASTA 2015Linea del tiempo de Sigmund Freud y el psicoanálisis ( Jennifer Fajardo; 8A; 11) 15 acontecimientos de la liberación del pueblo de Israel (Éxodo)Linha do Tempo da EJA (Educação de Jovens e Adultos) no BrasilACONTECIMIENTOS MAS IMPORTANTES EN LA HISTORIA DE LA QUIMICALINEA DE TIEMPO DE LA BIOTECNOLOGIA (SERVANDO EMILIO CLEMENTE 704 QBP)Linea del tiempo del período del porfiriato en MéxicoANTECEDENTES HISTÓRICOS DEL COMPORTAMIENTO ORGANIZACIONAL Appeals to patriotic citizens enabled them to claim even more money than they had just financed in roughly 10 years (Hillmer). Citizens already inhabiting in Canada had their ways of living affected significantly. They were primarily in Ontario and Quebec. Nevertheless, in 1917, “regulators” were hired in order to control food rations, reduce waste, and much more (Food, Fuel, and Inflation). The United States transformed from a traditional to a free market economy. This had benefited Canada’s economy significantly as unemployment diminished with 289,000+ new workers, $2 Million were earned everyday, plus ended the war faster for a more stable economy later on (Bercuson). However, the soldiers were the ones struggling. This is due to the constant high demands needed in war whether that would be nourishments, ammunition, artillery. In 1914, a little before the war, drought caused a loss in wheat crops, causing farmers to lose more money than expected. After WW1 finished the government had to provide the war veterans benefits like the doctors. Economic change in Canada from 1914 to 1929 After the world war canada didn't have that much money and couldn't afford many things. A lot of veterans would have to take low paying jobs just to make money. By the end of these lessons, students will: - Be able to describe key social developments in Canada from 1914-1929.
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