The conversations between “Bernard” and Dolores occurred when the park first opened. Because Charlie's death occurred a very long time ago, when Arnold was still alive and the exact same age that Bernard is now.In the photo sitting on his nightstand of himself and his son, Bernard is still the exact same age as he is now.Charlie’s death clearly occurred a long time ago, but Bernard hasn’t aged a bit and acts as though it happened yesterday, especially when he speaks with his “wife” in the communication room.The answer is simple – Ford planted these memories into Bernard, a direct copy of Arnold.The memories Bernard is having and the old photo he has in his living quarters are from the REAL Arnold.Ford planted Arnold’s real memories and consciousness into Bernard so he would become just as marred by having a personal tragedy as Arnold did so he would have the same reactions and focus soley on the hosts.Ford wanted an exact copy of Arnold, so he did what he could to make that happen with Bernard. Funny thing; Dolores replaces Arnold shortly after meeting Bernard. Whose control unit does Bernard print and take? Bernard then acknowledges that Ford once sent him down to the base to “print a control unit for someone else”, the host then killing a bunch of lab technicians.Here’s where the speculation begins. For a more in depth analysis you can go Theorisers have come to this conclusion thanks to multiple hints - including a scar that no longer features on Bernard’s head and the character’s general behaviour - the general consensus being that beach Bernard is not the same as the Bernard captured by Dolores.Thanks to episode four, there are multiple new ideas about who actually inhabits beach Bernard’s body, the most prominent now being that we’re actually seeing the park’s co-creator Arnold reincarnated.Well, episode four prominently features a new piece of technology that allows people – in this case James Delos – to host their consciousness in one of the hosts, effectively letting them live forever and working as the next step in human evolution.
Nothing quite matches up on a visual scale, and something or someone is there, we just can't see it.We first saw the photo through Bernard's eyes and he did not see what was missing, which was himself (the real Arnold) in the photograph.He couldn't see himself in the photo because he is a direct copy of Arnold and is programmed not to see anything that can hurt him.If he did see himself next to a very young ford, he would have discovered that he is the host clone of Arnold.As soon as Theresa shows Bernard the sketch of himself, he reacts by saying, "It doesn't look like anything to me." This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. And what is the full explanation for how Bernard came to exist? Hosts do get erased and change story lines. Please continue to respect all commenters and create constructive debates.Are you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate?Please be respectful when making a comment and adhere to our There are no Independent Premium comments yet - be the first to add your thoughtsPlease be respectful when making a comment and adhere to our There are no comments yet - be the first to add your thoughtsWestworld season 2: The Arnold = Bernard part 2 theory explained Should this happen, we can conclude that beach Bernard is not Bernard at all, nor Teddy, but actually Arnold, the park's co-creator, brought back from the dead as a human/host combo. What I am proposing here today is that Arnold was not actually a human version of Ford's partner, but rather Ford built Arnold as a way of testing his own theories of consciousness. Ford has proven to be a complete mad man who desires control over just about everything. As proof, the architect showed his loyal creation a photo of three men: a younger version of Ford himself, Arnold (looking exactly like present-day Bernard)… and an unknown third man between … By creating an account, you verify that you are at least 13 years of age, and have read and agree to the Episode 7 of HBO's Westworld "Trompe D'Oeil" unraveled more mysteries than we can handle. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? In the former storyline, the newly revealed host cornered his creator and demanded answers about his own origins. With no other choice, Ford allowed Bernard's mind to access memories that had previously been overwritten; memories like murdering Elsie and looking at a picture of Ford and his partner Arnold⦠who looked exactly like Bernard.As if that wasn't enough confirmation of who Bernard really is, we also got a new perspective on the host through Dolores' storyline. Copyright 2018
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