Please enable it to continue. The service does not provide more details about how many and which companies. Become a Novel-T member and you’ll never miss out on an update, new tool or inspiring case study again.
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This payment is per business, not per business location.
TOGS: Under conditions and until June 26, 2020 a € 4,000 tax exempt reimbursement was granted to entrepreneurs in a number of specific sectors which have been hit by the coronavirus measures (TOGS). The TOGS is for entrepreneurs who are directly damaged by various government measures to contain the COVID-19 virus. De RVO heeft inmiddels laten weten dat hier minder zwaar naar gekeken zal worden en dat bedrijven met een juiste SBI-code aanspraak maken op deze TOGS-regeling. This measure has been replaced by the … Gedupeerde ondernemers ontvangen een eenmalige tegemoetkoming van €4.000 om hun vaste lasten te kunnen betalen. Join the dynamic and vibrant ecosystem. Informeer je goed over …
Lege agenda’s, dus geen werk!Tevens zou je werk en privé adres niet hetzelfde mogen zijn. Duped entrepreneurs receive a one-off payment of € 4,000 to pay their fixed costs.
! Belachelijk! If you have not yet made a contribution, you can do so here. The RVO, the government charged with administering the various schemes, did not say how many companies were involved or in what sectors they operated, NOS said. Als je van mening bent dat je toch aan de voorwaarden voldoet, neem dan contact op met de RVO. TVL: The Fixed Allowance (TVL) helps SMEs and self-employed professionals to pay part of their fixed costs. Become a Novel-T member and you’ll never miss out on an update, new tool or inspiring case study again. We're sorry but zzp-beslisboom doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled.
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The scheme was set up by the Employee Insurance Agency UWV, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, several municipalities, employers, and trade unions. De TOGS is voor ondernemers die directe schade ondervinden van diverse kabinetsmaatregelen om het COVID-19 virus in te dammen. Het kan dan wel zo zijn dat de goedkeuring van je aanvraag dan meer tijd in beslag neemt, omdat hier vervolgens handmatig naar gekeken moet worden. On this website we place cookies for proper functioning of the website. Of those applications, 181,000 had been honoured with a total payout of €724m, NOS said.The TOGs programme is being extended for a further three months, with a maximum payout of €20,000. Do you have a question, an idea or do you want to work together? Government officials have begun the process of clawing back coronavirus subsidies which were wrongly paid to at least one company, The RVO, the government charged with administering the various schemes, did not say how many companies were involved or in what sectors they operated, NOS said.By last Wednesday, 191,000 companies had applied for help under the TOGs scheme, a one-off payment of €4,000, aimed at helping small firms pay their fixed costs. De TOGS-regeling is een geautomatiseerd proces dat snel is opgetuigd. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) has announced that the first chargebacks have recently been initiated. Alle rijscholen hebben overheidssteun nodig, vanwege de direct geleden schade door COVID-19. En deze voorwaarde dient dan ook per direct geschrapt te worden! The first cases of companies that have received undue government support through the TOGS scheme are known. Ook de zzp’ers en kleinere eenmanszaken hebben hun zaak moeten sluiten. The compensation of a minimum of 1,000 euros and a maximum of 50,000 euros is for companies that have lost more than 30% of their turnover due to the corona crisis.
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