And the country suffered from financial damages worth USD1.86 billion or Tk 158 billion (15,800 crore). [54] According to the USGS the earthquake's epicenter was located on the ground, east of the coastal town of Tirúa in the AraucanÃa Region. [29], On 5 March, two aftershocks above M6.0 were reported. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) the cities experiencing the strongest shakingâVIII (Severe) on the Mercalli intensity scale (MM)âwere Concepción, Arauco, and Coronel. Taal Volcano's monitoring network recorded a series of fifty (50) relatively weak tremor episodes beginning 5:00 AM until 3:00 PM today, 15 February 2021. Tsunami warnings were issued in 53 countries,[11] and the wave caused minor damage in the San Diego area of California[12] and in the TÅhoku region of Japan, where damage to the fisheries business was estimated at Â¥6.26 billion (US$66.7 million). As we get more under our belts, we'll get better. [104], The Chilean NGO Un Techo para Chile constructed 23,886 transitional houses for families affected by the earthquake. This year, the day will be observed later. Residents of 19 eastern provinces "are advised to prepare for possible evacuation. However, ports in southern Chile, which were closer to the epicenter, remained closed. [135] The first wave was expected to reach southern British Columbia at 15:11 local time. [65][66] It is estimated that Chile's territory could have expanded 1.2 square kilometres (0.46 sq mi) as a result. Palmer personnel developed a tsunami emergency plan following the 2004 earthquake in the Indian Ocean that created a tsunami that killed more than 230,000 people in 14 countries. People concerned said Bangladesh had a big lesson from the devastation of the 1970 cyclone. [53] On Lautaro, Cañete, Nueva Imperial, Traiguén and Carahue the quake was felt at intensity VI (strong) of the Mercalli intensity scale. By 11:40, several waves hit the islands amounting to raising and lowering of the sea near the coast, and a fourth wave hit around 13:12. [25] This uplift made a large islet emerge at the mouth of Lebu River. Two locations in Narayanganj and Gazipur will be prepared for treating the people affected by earthquake.â. The port started to resume limited operations on 28 February. [67], The earthquake also caused seiches to occur in Lake Pontchartrain to the north of New Orleans, United States, located nearly 7,500 kilometres (4,700 mi) from the epicenter of the quake.[68]. "[167] However, at 15:15 on 28 February 2010, all warnings were canceled.[168]. The table below shows the percentage of the regional population whose homes were destroyed or were severely damaged by the earthquake and tsunami in the six most affected regions. Countries with coastal areas that were at risk (in pink). "[76] In Talca, the capital of Maule region, many dead were trapped in the rubble. In the same CNEA report the mill associations of central and southern Chile are said to have expressed that they had currently no production difficulties. During their escape, prisoners burned seven houses close to the prison. One man stated, "I've personally saved dozens of people from attack in this apartment block. [62][63] Precise GPS measurement indicated the telluric movement moved the entire city of Concepción 3.04 metres (10.0 ft) to the west. In Chile, 370,000 homes were damaged. At 23:00 on Saturday the goal was doubled, collecting 30.2 billion pesos (about US$58 million). Shortly after the mainshock seismologists installed a dense network of seismometers along the whole rupture area. [1] The earthquake was felt in the capital Santiago at MM VII (Very strong)[3] or MM VIII. [29] The USGS said that "a large vigorous aftershock sequence can be expected from this earthquake". United States Senators Daniel Inouye and Daniel Akaka issued a joint press release announcing the first tsunami evacuation in Hawaii since 1994. Since the major earthquake, and as of 15 March, at least four to forty >M5.0 earthquakes have been recorded daily in the vicinity of the main earthquake,[42] including four above magnitude 6.0 between 3 March and 6 March. Two people were reported dead because of not having been able to escape from a nightclub. The government of the newly-born Bangladesh started a cyclone preparedness pogramme in 1972 following the 1970 cyclone. [55], A magnitude 6.2 Mw aftershock struck the coast of BiobÃo, Chile at a shallow depth of 15.1 km (9.4 mi) on 1 June 2011 at 08:55 local time (12:55 UTC). This is a notice of slightly increased seismic activity and Main Crater Lake changes at Taal Volcano. [160], The Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Center (JATWC) sent out tsunami warnings for New South Wales, Queensland, Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island, Tasmania, and Victoria. [129] Although the earthquake killed far fewer people than the Haitian earthquake less than 7 weeks prior, it was still devastating. The 2010 Chile earthquake (Spanish: Terremoto del 27F[5]) occurred off the coast of central Chile on Saturday, 27 February at 03:34 local time (06:34 UTC), having a magnitude of 8.8 on the moment magnitude scale, with intense shaking lasting for about three minutes. A car crushed by the rubble of a collapsed building in Temuco. [133] Tsunami warnings were also in effect as far away as East and Southeast Asia including Japan, Indonesia, Hong Kong,[134] the Philippines, Russia and Taiwan. [6] On Sunday, 28 February, Ricardo Ortega, head of the Chilean Air Force, said commercial airline services had been partially re-established and aircraft were being allowed to land in Santiago. [121], The earthquake affected production at the CompañÃa de CervecerÃas Unidas (CCU) and CervecerÃa Chile factories that together have a 90% share of the Chilean beer market. According to Chile's Seismological Service Concepción experienced the strongest shaking at MM IX (Violent). However, the Global Climate Risk Index 2021 report of German Watch, a Germany-based non-government organisation, said Bangladesh made a progress in the list of disaster-prone countries. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) issued an advisory that tsunami wave(s) DOST-PHIVOLCS would like to assure the public that Pinatubo Volcano remains at Alert Level 0 and remains in quiescent condition. [89] The final death toll of 525 victims and 25 people missing was announced by authorities in January 2011. The administrative building was uninhabitable, and the authorities had to be set up in the parade ground. There were 10 to 15 rises, the last one being at 08:30 in the morning. Some 27 cyclones ravaged the country between 1970 and 2020 indicating that a major storm swept across the country in every one year and 10 months. [105], Nearly half the places in the country were declared "catastrophe zones", and curfews were imposed in some areas of looting and public disorder. A witness in Chillán asserted that he had been robbed by prisoners with a machine gun who had also forced his girlfriend to kiss them. were expected to hit the eastern coast of the Philippines on Sunday between 05:00 and 06:30 UTC (13:00 and 14:30 local). [78], Damaged buildings and fires were reported in Concepción. [6][1][2][7] It was felt strongly in six Chilean regions (from ValparaÃso in the north to AraucanÃa in the south), that together make up about 80 percent of the country's population. [56] It was centered just offshore Arauco Province near a moderately populated area, with most structures in its vicinity reported to be resistant to earthquake shaking. March. The same estimate was echoed by the rival German-based Munich Re AG.[16]. Source: Casen Post-Earthquake Survey, Ministry of Planning. However, about two million people were affected by the quake with more than 500,000 houses uninhabitable. [31] Seismicity is focused in the depth range 25â35 km and in a deeper band of between 45 and 50 km depth. [28] The fifteen-story residential building "Alto RÃo" fell backwards, horizontally lay on the ground, and trapped many of the residents. [175], In Guerrero, surges of between 30 cm and 1 meter and receding of up to 10 m were reported, and three small vessels were sunk at Tecpán de Galeana. Hernán HenrÃquez Hospital of Temuco had to be evacuated after the earthquake. Japanâs 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami: Economic Effects and Implications for the U.S. Congressional Research Service Summary The March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami that occurred in Japan followed by the nuclear crisis are having a large negative impact on the economy of Japan but a lesser effect on world trade and financial markets. [150] Mariano Rojas Bustos, then head of Chile's oceanographic service SHOA, which is part of the country's navy, was later fired for the organization's failure to provide clear warnings about the tsunami. Lastly, 26 people died in cyclone Amphan. "Informe final de fallecidos y desaparecidos por comuna, "Science Highlights 2010 â UNAVCO Event Response â Mw=8.8 Chile Earthquake Feb. 27, 2010", "Confirman que el sismo de Chile se sintió en Buenos Aires", "En la región de Cuyo "se sintió muy fuerte" el temblor de Chile", "Temblor sacude Ica y causa temor en pobladores tras terremoto en Chile", "Tsunami After Major Earthquake Hits Chile", "Magnitude 8.8 â OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE", Fisheries took Â¥6 billion hit from Chile tsunami, "Apagón en el SIC del 27 de Febrero de 2010", "Swiss Re puts Chile quake insurance cost at $4-7BN", UNEP Year Book2011, An Overview of Our Changing Environment, "Researchers show how far South American cities moved in quake, Research News, Ohio State University, March 8, 2010", "Chile earthquake moved city of Concepcion 10ft to the west", "Satellite Images Show That Talcahuano "Grew" 1.5 Meters Higher As A Result of Earthquake", "Unexpected coseismic surface uplift at Tirúa-Mocha Island area of south Chile before and during the Mw 8.8 Maule 2010 earthquake: a possible upper plate splay fault", "Chile-Haiti Earthquake Comparison: Chile Was More Prepared", "Magnitude 6.9 â Off the coast of Bio-Bio, Chile", "Chile's earthquake death toll rises to 214", "Estado de SP sente reflexo do terremoto de 8,8 graus registrado no Chile", "Latest Earthquakes in the World â Past 7 days", "Aftershocks a reality check for Chilean President Sebastián Piñera", Magnitude 6.9 LIBERTADOR O HIGGINS, CHILE, "Magnitude 6.7 â OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE", "Aftershock hits off coast of Chile, no damage", "Magnitude 6.4 â OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE", "Magnitude 6.2 â Offshore Bio-Bio, Chile", "PAGER â Magnitude 6.2 â Offshore Bio-Bio, Chile", "Sismo 6,4 Richter afectó a 4 regiones de Chile: Desde el Maule a Los RÃos", "Strong 6.4 magnitude quake shakes Chile", "NASA â Chilean Quake May Have Shortened Earth Days", "Earth days could be shorter after Chilean earthquake", Researchers Show How Far South American Cities Moved In Quake, "Chile ¨Grows" 1.2 Square Kilometers As A Result Of 27 February Earthquake", "8.8-magnitude earthquake hits central Chile", "Chilean military takes control of quake-hit cities", "Massive quake hits Chile, triggers tsunami", "Chile ports resume operations after quakeâunion", "Esperan entrega de estudios estructurales de departamentos dañados en Viña", "Surfista que sobrevivió en Curanipe: El maremoto se pareció al que hubo en Tailandia", "Ansalatina â CHILE: MAS DE 30 MUERTOS EN TALCA", "Frantic Rescue Efforts in Chile as Troops Seek to Keep Order", "Terremoto de 8,8 grados deja unos 214 muertos en Chile", "DestrucciÄÅn de flamantes condominios en Chile despierta suspicacias", "Ficha Condominio Alto RÃo â Departamentos en Concepción", "Chile port town badly damaged by tsunami", 'The last wave almost wiped the village off the map', "Sin agua ni luz se mantiene Temuco bajo constantes movimientos telúricos", "Temuco, a la sombra de la luna â Internacional_Iberoamerica â Internacional", "Landslide inventory of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake, Central Chile", "Landslides induced by the 2010 Chile megathrust earthquake: a comprehensive inventory and correlations with geological and seismic factors", Rescue efforts continue in Chile, mining industry impacted, "Ya suman 802 los fallecidos por el terremoto y tsunami", "Bachellet confirmó que hay cinco muertos por el sismo en Chile", "Sismo mayor intensidad (Actualización)", "Situación regional. The most powerful earthquake ever recorded happened in Chile in 1960. President Bachelet is reported to have sent an aid mission to the remote island. [115] [161] It occurred in the afternoon, lasted for 10 minutes, and caused tsunamis which affected southern Chile, Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, New Zealand, Australia, and the Aleutian Islands. The first one was a magnitude 6.7 MW earthquake that struck off the coast of BiobÃo, Chile, at 23:21 on 15 March 2010 at the epicenter, at a depth of 18 kilometres (11 mi). However, according to the University of Chile's Seismological Service, the seismic event was located 134 kilometers off the coast of Tirúa, measuring a magnitude 6.9 ML. 2,400 km (1,500 mi) away). But fault remains in regular maintenance and management of these infrastructures. According to official sources, 525 people lost their lives, 25 people went missing[4] and about 9% of the population in the affected regions lost their homes. [21] A research collaborative of Ohio State and other institutions have found, using GPS, that the earthquake shifted Santiago 28 cm (11 in) to the west-southwest and moved Concepción at least 3 metres (10 ft) to the west. Magnitude 8.8 earthquake in Chile on 27 February 2010, Modified Mercalli intensities for some localities, Population with destroyed or severely damaged homes, The numbers were given by Chilean National Emergency Office (ONEMI) until 3. The Global Climate Risk Index 2021 report of German Watch has highlighted Bangladeshâs achievement on reducing damages caused by disasters. under tsunami advisory after massive Chilean earthquake", Tsunami Advisory Cancellation #25 issued 27 February 2010 at 11:13PM PST, "Tsunami waves hit Russia, no damage reported", "Officials Breathe Sigh of Relief as Tsunami Passes", "Warning center learns from miscalculation", « Pacific coastline devastated; 350 killed by tsunami that hit one small town », Tsunami kills 4 in Robinson Crusoe islands, "First waves of tsunami arrive at Hawaii", "Partial evacuation of Chile's Easter Island ordered | ABS-CBN News Online Beta", "Chile minister says navy erred on tsunami", "Chile sacks official over tsunami alert", National Advisory: Tsunami â No Threat to New Zealand, National Warning: Tsunami Threat to New Zealand, "#ChileQuake National Warning:Tsunami Threat to NZ Update18", 1.5-meter tsunami wave hits Chathams, heading for mainland, "Tsunami alert downgraded after Chile quake", "Tsunami Hits Hawaii, Causes Minimal Damage", "Tsunami beach ban cancelled in Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Pacific Rim", "Tsunami waves up to 6 feet hit French Polynesia", "Tsunami alert in Pacific after 8.8 quake in Chile", "Tsunami hits French Polynesia; Pacific on watch", Brace for possible tsunami after lunch SundayâPhivolcs, "9-foot waves forecast for Hilo Bay at 11:05", "Tsunami that raced across Pacific delivers glancing blow to islands, Asian coasts", "Olympic Games proceed despite tsunami warning", "Tsunami damages buoys off Ventura, officials say", "Tsunami surge damages Ventura docks, sets boats loose", "Guerrero reporta daños mÃnimos por oleaje", "Argentina To Lend $300M To Chile For Rebuilding-Related Goods", "å°ç¬ å諸島ã®å鳥島ã«æ´¥æ³¢ç¬¬ä¸æ³¢ãï¼ï¼ï½ï½", Tsunami Event â February 27, 2010 Chile, Chilean Earthquake Toll Passes 800; Aid Yet to Reach Many Devastated Areas, Tsunami Animation: Maule, Chile 2010 (Mercator),, Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), Articles with dead external links from September 2010, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from May 2016, Articles with dead external links from August 2019, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2017, Articles containing potentially dated statements from February 2010, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2010, Srpskohrvatski / ÑÑпÑÐºÐ¾Ñ ÑваÑÑки, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 March 2021, at 01:28. For example, it moved Argentina's capital of Buenos Aires about 2.5 cm (1 in) to the west. Many coastal areas in Japan had been evacuated as a precaution. [174] Additionally, a boat was torn loose from its mooring and minor erosion occurred within Ventura Harbor. The damages caused by the drought resulting from El Nino were the highest in 2016 compared to damages by other natural disasters, and were valued at ⦠In July 2010, the government of Argentina released a statement that they would lend $300 million to Chile for reconstruction efforts using Argentine goods.[177]. [128] The U.S. Tsunami Warning Center issued advisories about potential tsunami of less than 1 m (3 ft 3 in) striking the Pacific Ocean coastline between California and most of Alaska late in the afternoon or through the evening 12 or more hours after the initial earthquake. The scarcity favored consumption of "premium beers" like Kunstmann and Paceña. [59] The earthquake was followed by a moderate magnitude 5.1 Mw tremor that occurred about 52 minutes later to the northeast of the main shock epicenter at an estimated depth of 26.9 km (16.7 mi). A severely damaged building in Maipú, Santiago. [159], The U.S. Antarctic Program's coastal station along the Antarctic Peninsula, Palmer Station, went on a tsunami alert shortly after the earthquake struck Chile. One could not estimate the dimension of the wave, because it was advancing foam. He went on to say, "although it was huge, we didn't quite know what it meant because we haven't much experience with those. [151], Initially, the New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) said they did not expect a tsunami to reach New Zealand,[152] but later issued a warning stating that waves of up to 1 m (3 ft 3 in) high were likely for the eastern[153] and later the entire New Zealand coast. The report further said Bangladesh has built 8,200 killomitres of flood control dams and 3,400 kilomitres of coastal embankments. Puerto Rico, Myanmar, Haiti, Philippines, Mozambique, The Bahamas, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand and Nepal were the 10 countries most affected during this time. [154] By 19:55 UTC (08:40 local), CDEM reported wave activity of 50 cm (1.6 ft) in the Chatham Islands,[155] and 2 m (6 ft 7 in) surges were reported there later in the morning. [114], On 28 February, President Bachelet said that her government had reached an agreement with the major supermarkets which would allow them to give away basic foodstuffs in stock to people affected by the earthquake. Some 572 people, on average, died every year. [43], On 11 March, the March 2010 Chile earthquake (magnitude 6.9, treated by some as an aftershock of the February 2010 earthquake) was reported, followed quickly by further aftershocks measuring 6.7 and 6.0. On 26 March, at 10:52:06 local time, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit the Atacama region, in Northern Chile.[49]. The government began distributing food and other vital aid around the country. In the hardest-hit zones there was no communication with the exterior because of the failure of electricity and the destruction of telephone lines. [70], Santiago's national Fine Arts Museum was badly damaged and did not reopen until 9 March 2010. [84], Dilapidated buildings could be seen on the streets of Temuco, about 400 km (250 mi) from the epicenter. A week after the quake the policeâtipped by neighborsâarrested three people with massive quantities of looted goods stashed in their homes. The port of ValparaÃso was ordered to be closed due to the damage caused by the earthquake. People were found dead after the earthquake struck, mostly under buildings and inside cars. [90], The Chilean National Emergency Office (Oficina Nacional de Emergencia) estimated that the intensity of the earthquake was 9 on the Mercalli intensity scale in the BiobÃo Region and 8 in Santiago. [3], On 10 March, Swiss Reinsurance Co. estimated that the Chilean quake would cost the insurance industry between 4 and 7 billion dollars. Despite these and other government acts (including the curfews), pillaging continued in both urban and rural areas of the affected zones. [51] On 3 May, at 19:09 a 6.4 MW earthquake magnitude struck off BiobÃo, Chile, at the epicenter, at a depth of 20 kilometres (12 mi). The Biobio Region of Chile has had strong aftershocks of this earthquake. In 1976, an earthquake claimed the lives of 242,000 people making it the most deadly earthquake since 1900. [citation needed] When the situation became unsustainable and all sectors of the population were demanding actions, the government authorized the use of the military to control the affected cities. [102][103] Appeals for humanitarian aid were issued by the UK-based Oxfam, Save the Children and others. The epicenter of the 6.9 quake was in Pichilemu, O'Higgins Region.[44][45]. With an average annual per capita consumption of 36 liters, scarcity caused prices to rise from 990â1500 to 2000 Chilean pesos per litre. Argentina, Mexico, the United States, United Kingdom, People's Republic of China, Singapore, Haiti, and Pakistan were among the countries that responded earliest following the quake. The records of deaths were reported by a number of different agencies at different figures immediately after the earthquake. The data were collected between May and June 2010. [13] The earthquake also generated a blackout that affected 93 percent of the Chilean population and which went on for several days in some locations. Then the issue of risk reduction comes. About 2,000 cyclone shelter centres and 200 flood shelter centres have been built. Different parts of the prison were set afire and the riot was brought under control only after the guards shot into the air and received help from military units. The first wave was expected to reach American Samoa, which is still recovering from the 2009 Samoa earthquake and tsunami, at 08:51 local time. The tsunami wave arrived in Easter Island at 12:05 UTC, measuring 0.35 m (1.15 ft). Collapsed Vespucio Norte Express Highway in Santiago. [28][91] USGS put the intensity in Talcahuano at MM VIII, in Santiago and Concepción at MM VII and in ValparaÃso at MM VI. The first was a 6.3-magnitude off the coast of the BiobÃo Region. [4] This is down from early reports on 3 March of 802 people dead. Despite President Michelle Bachelet's earlier statement that Chile would only ask for international aid once it had assessed the extent of the damage,[101] leaders of many countries and intergovernmental organizations, including the United Nations and European Union, responded to the earthquake and sent messages of condolence to the government and people of Chile over the loss of lives and property. Being held in Vancouver at the mouth of Lebu River from Argentina Philippines leading to more than deaths... Authorities had to be set up in the area was moderate already been heavily damaged in the suffered. ) from the Pacific plate, which is traditionally a seismic hot zone encircles... [ 122 ] Liquor store owners expressed complaints regarding a beer rationing scheme implemented CCU! Although the earthquake also shifted other parts of South America from the USGS placed its intensity at a plate... Witness alleged sexual molestation by around twenty men who were believed to be now. 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