by Professor Eric Foner. The balance must be emphasized. Any accusation of left wing bias makes the typical college professor fiercely indignant; and the most biased profs usually show the most indignation. “That is like comparing 99% of academic scientists’ conclusions (and consensus) about climate change to a denial of climate change that is put out there by money-making news conglomerates. They are absolute garbage. There is little accountability in the popular media for evidence and rigor. Thankfully many students today are thinking for themselves & realize that Foner & his ‘Give Me Liberty’ textbook does not represent a serious discussion of our country’s history. In general, the British marxist historians were a solid lot. People who criticize historians and equate a “Marxist slant” with support for communism or socialism show their own ignorance of the historiography. can someone suggest a better historian for a student who is going through US Hist for the first time? If someone has an interpretation that you find to be offensive, you should pay attention to it and figure out why. “tragedy” to describe the failure of early twentieth century Marxists, slanders anyone and anything anti-Communist, Is Wikipedia biased? When he got to the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal is when I started to get angry. Horrifying events have been covered up by a white history. Too many of the younger students are just drinking this stuff up without question. Yet it’s hard to imagine a modern day American history professor lionizing someone who believed that “Adolf Hitler was a great man,” and praised Hitler specifically for his tough treatment of supposedly greedy Jewish bankers and business owners. College professors in general tend to lean pretty far to the left, and history professors even more so. There is little doubt about who wrote this encomium, because footer of the homepage says “Copyright 2005 Eric Foner.”, Further down on the homepage the professor quotes another historian, who praises Foner in terms that would embarrass a more modest man. ), Anyone who denies that the halls of academia are full of hard core Socialists and Marxists should read this paper. LOL! What does the far left lie about? I read his autobiography and he promotes trickle up economics. The facts dont change, only our interpretation. It’s another unfortunate fact that the Marxist radicals who populate history department faculties are so fearful of contradiction that they tend to blacklist any potential colleague who does not share their left wing beliefs. I feel sorry for the students who are captured in his classroom without intrepretation and application of the FACTS. Feel free to post questions here any time. The Professor’s complaints about conservative bias creeping into history textbooks are amusing, given that he himself has written a history textbook designed to indoctrinate college students into his own radically leftist political perspective. He praises the Communist Party USA for its supposed commitment to human rights, and depicts any expansion of government power as a triumph of Good over Evil. And Eric Foner definitively showed that the black desire for autonomy set the agenda for Reconstruction in his award-winning 1988 book, Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877. See more of The Washington Standard on Facebook. Dr. Foner also seems to be pretty thin-skinned. There is little accountability in the popular media for evidence and rigor. Robeson even boasted about a his Stalin prize in a magazine article. A Georgia Tech student sued the University for failing her for passing out Republican literature on campus. Has Eric Foner ever commented about North Korea? Columbia University history professor Eric Foner gives background to the American Socialist movement. I am in the middle of my APUSH class and Eric Foner has changed my life. Section(s) History. In one section of the paper Dr. Foner describes Marxist political parties as victims of “outright repression.” This issue, he states, is “often stressed by historians sympathetic to American socialism.”He does not explicitly say that he is one of these historians sympathetic to Socialism, but a quick read of his history textbook will make his sympathies pretty clear. So, people of all races have been victims of slavery over thousands of years. In one published article he uses the word “tragedy” to describe the failure of early twentieth century Marxists to gain control of the U.S. political system. Dr Foner personifies everything that is wrong with academia in America, especially where history departments are concerned, and his influence is widely felt. The professor makes no pretence of being a political moderate when he’s writing for liberal magazines and websites. Interview: eric Foner Revista Brasileira de História, vol. I am in the middle of reading Reconstruction, political and economic, 1865-1877 by William Dunning (published in 1907). This page mention’s Philip Foner’s role as the official historian of the Communist Party USA: I commend you for refusing to accept the propaganda you’re getting at in class. When scholars write for other scholars, however, they are more candid. In one of his articles for The Nation, for example, he expresses his opinion that Hurricane Katrina was a “man-made disaster” inflicted on black Americans by President Bush and other racist white guys. Eric Foner is the DeWitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University, where he has specialized in the Civil War, Reconstruction, slavery, and 19th-century America. Yet his five year plans and his rapid industrialization of the Soviet economy saved the world from Fascism. Anyone who knows anything about the founding of this nation & the Constitution can quickly recognize the disgust Foner holds for our basic values. I am currently a college student studying political science, and as such, I become very skeptical of my professors (as I think anyone should be). It’s such a shame that we have these biased books being used in colleges. The resolution held, but Governor deal would not sign the bill that vetoed far left radical dogma. Propoganda reaffirms the status quo, so if what you are being told rubs against what you hear in the media, then pay attention. This statement is probably true, unfortunately. In describing the work of his own mentor, Dr. Richard Hofstadter, Foner says that Hofstadter and another scholar “shared Marxist backgrounds.”, On the next page Foner describes the scholarly work of “one group of historians strongly influenced by the radicalism of the 1960’s.” In describing another school of thought on the subject of why America is not yet fully Socialist, he says that this approach has “an obvious appeal for more optimistic left-historians.”. That is like comparing 99% of academic scientists’ conclusions (and consensus) about climate change to a denial of climate change that is put out there by money-making news conglomerates. Yeah. Sure, Foner makes money selling textbooks and certainly holds “extreme” political beliefs. Yet even a quick scan of the things he writes for his fellow radicals will make it clear that his views are far to the left of the American mainstream. When Philip Foner later put together a collection of Robeson’s writings, he included this obscene eulogy to Stalin, apparently thinking that it was a work to be proud of. Notably, I noticed that there was a lack of any information supporting the anti-communist viewpoint, which I thought was strange. Then Foner says that conservatives were obsessed with Clinton’s sex life and includes a quote from frickin Karl Marx (first as tragedy, second as farce) in reference to the tragedy of Andrew Johnson’s impeachment and the farce that is Clinton’s impeachment. Eric Foner is known as a Marxist historian, and perhaps the furthest to the left of holders of chairs in American universities of the first rank. This Wikipedia page describes the publisher of one of Philip’s books as “the publishing arm of the (Communist Party USA)”:, The New York Times obit for Philip describes him as a “Marxist labor historian” and mentions his termination at CCNY in 1940: “Eric Foner, DeWitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University, is one of this country’s most prominent historians.” Professor Eric Foner, The quote above is the first sentence on the homepage of Professor Eric Foner’s personal website. The Koran is chock full of instructions & pronouncements from Mohammed about exactly when a person can seize an innocent victim as a slave and how the slave master is supposed to treat their slave. I’ve read Howard Zinn already, thanks. Foner authored more than a hundred volumes on a wide range of topics involving the American labor movement; he also wrote about African American history. When the professor writes for other scholars he makes his views pretty plain. This was the prevailing view of Reconstruction after the Civil War until the 1960’s or so. While you are so offended by Stalins crimes are you equally offended by Truman’s? I probably would have found a lot of other areas where his liberal bias shined, but I only read sections of the book related to my assignments. Social(ist) Distancing No. heated exchange with conservative columnist Daniel Pipes, high unemployment rates of European nations. You are correct in saying that Foner was able to disguise his bias in the textbook. "Like all momentous events, September 11 is a remarkable teaching opportunity. ERIC FONER, DeWitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University, is the most professionally successful academic historian of our time. I appreciate this article – I am a returned-to-college mature adult that is taking a American history class that Foner’s texts are required as curriculum. I find my U.S. History class very biased… we have a Foner book. He was named Scholar of the Year by the New York Council for the Humanities in 1995. We examine sources before taking someone’s work at face value. I’ll have to continue more research but at least have a place to start. In his textbook, the younger Foner depicts both Robeson and DuBois as great heroes of the civil rights movement. College professors in general tend to lean pretty far to the left. Foner concludes that “Hobsbawm’s historical writings brought to bear a sophisticated Marxist analysis that saw class conflict as a driving force of historical change but rejected narrow economic determinism and teleological frameworks. I am planning my major in History – European, thank you – and I will be writing a letter to my college complaining the curriculum should reflect BOTH sides of the story, to balance opinions. Both were proud recipients of the Stalin Peace Prize. Eric Foner (/ ˈ f oʊ n ər /; born February 7, 1943) is an American historian.He writes extensively on American political history, the history of freedom, the early history of the Republican Party, African-American biography, Reconstruction, and historiography, and has been a member of the faculty at the Columbia University Department of History since 1982. For those who attempt to protect him and hold him up as an expert in this field and cite peer review, awards, authoritative positions in Associations etc…. I have to spend twice as much time researching for assignments due to the fact that his material is unbelievably riddled with Marxist nonsense and focuses only on social issues during each era. A more politically moderate observer might leave some room for doubt about the benefits of Socialism in Europe, given the chronically high unemployment rates of European nations, among other things; but to a college history professor the benefits of Socialism are indubitable. He starts off by saying that many other politicians, including Thomas Jefferson (he was perfect, therefore adultery is fine), have had affairs. Professor Eric Foner has served as president the American Historical Association and various other academic association; and is the author of the widely used freshman history textbook Give Me Liberty (which I have criticized pretty harshly in various pages of this website). As Dr. Foner tells us on that same webpage, he is “one of only two persons to serve as president of the three major professional organizations: the Organization of American Historians, American Historical Association, and Society of American Historians, and one of a handful to have won the Bancroft Prize twice and the Bancroft and Pulitzer Prizes in the same year.”, He obviously holds a fair amount of status among his fellow historians. Professor Foner’s comments about organized labor reveal his radicalism as well as anything else in this paper. I returned to school after many years away to prepare myself for the next chapter in my life. He has served as president of all three major historical organizations, published a widely acclaimed book on Reconstruction as "America's unfinished revolution," and appears frequently on national television. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Dr. Foner’s textbook is similar to the texts other leftist historians have published, in that Foner slanders anyone and anything anti-Communist while using language that sounds balanced and reasonable. Foner is actually a Nazi Capitalist scum. Page after page portrays American Communists as victims of unfair political repression. Whether this is a question of the perfidy of individual ‘misleaders’ or the growth of bureaucratic structures isolating officials from their membership, the result has been a union movement uninterested in posing a political challenge to capital.”. sorry, being a true expert in a field requires an unbiased truthful understanding of the subject and an ability to critically think about issues as they really are, not how you want them to be. It certainly has been before. I would like to debate this clown. Most of the passages about his family are reproduced on this web page: As Hitler he operates his views via half truths. I am all for Americans to be the most outspoken and critical of our nation’s past(or present for that matter), but an education in history should be much more objective. College faculties tend to be very liberal – and very defensive about it. Foner never puts the negative events that took place in American history into global perspective or into comparison with events in other countries histories, never acknowledges that the United States dealt with and is dealing with it’s turmoils, and goes as far as to accuse the United States of spreading it’s racist influence world-wide in the Imperial Age. Professor Foner is quick to express his indignation whenever anyone accuses him of having a left wing bias. Read articles and watch lectures by Eric Foner, DeWitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University. Eric Foner is the nephew of the late Marxist labor historian Philip S. Foner. (The Communist International, or Comintern, was the department of the Soviet government that funded and controlled Communist parties in democratic nations). Marxists like Foner condemn this book. Foner grew up in a family of leftist radicals, and his views reflect those of his family, his friends, and his family’s friends. Recently my professor has assigned us some of Eric Foner’s material, one being “The Idea of Free Labor” and the other being “The Republican Critique.” As I was reading I soon became suspicious of Foner’s views, sensing a lot of anti-capitalistic writing, so I decided to see where his political views resided. He makes the whole scandal out to be about adultery, when really the much more important thing is that he LIED to the American people. With all due respect Mr Czarnecki, President Abraham Lincoln was not a Marxist. The fact that his fellow historians keep electing him to lead their professional societies shows that Marxist politics are considered more or less normal among college history faculties. The next time I watch an episode of the TV show MASH, where Alan Alda demonizes the American forces who fought to keep Communism out of South Korea, I’ll think about that contrast. “To the Marxist paradigm that underlies this vision, I have no objection.” Eric Foner. Even indigenous North, South, and Central American Indian tribes widely engaged in slavery – and some even engaged in cannibalism as well as human sacrifice. The donating contributors were Eric Foner, Alice Kessler-Harris, and Jacques Marchand. When Dr. Foner is writing for his fellow scholars, however, he shows no reluctance to own up to his Marxist sympathies. In Why Is There No Socialism the professor applauds “the heroic struggles of European workers and socialists,” and makes it clear that he mourns the failure of Socialists and/or Communists to take control of the American government. Both were fired during the anti-Communist backlash that followed Joseph Stalin’s 1939 cooperation pact with Adolf Hitler. Log In. If it is an academic press, there is a very rigorous peer-review process it has to go through. Only a left wing screwball would say things like that. But he is a historian who is widely published through a peer-review process. The same is not true for academic scholarship.”. Dr. Foner’s ultra-left-wing political views are, perhaps, not surprising; given the way Communist leaders like Stalin were admired in the Foner household when the professor was a child. I was assigned the book “Give Me Liberty” for my history course this semester. In the paper, Foner makes this admission about a Soviet connection after praising CPUSA for all the positive things they supposedly did. XXXIV Max Gordon and Eric Foner. That was, I … Long Life Comrade Foner and the Communist Party!!!!!!!!!!!!! Historians can see the balance. When David Horowitz included a section on Foner in his book The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America, someone quickly threw together a Wikipedia page about Horowitz’ book, which portrays the whole book as a fraud and a crime, and puts a heavy emphasis on the passages about Foner. He explains the Marxist ideology that would later influence socialist ideas. That is why historians go directly to the sources. Thank you Al. Many people believe that historians are similar to journalists, or that anyone that writes about the past is a historian (i.e. In his 1988 work Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863–1877, Eric Foner drives a final nail into the coffin of outdated interpretations of history. All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy & Disclosure. His views are so far from the mainstream it’s off the page! I first became weary of Foner after I red about his views on the Red Scare and communism during the Cold War. College faculties tend to be very liberal – and very defensive about it. In the ‘70s, I worked on this short-lived journal that he was the editor of, called Marxist Perspectives. Your email address will not be published. Thanks to your sight and this article, I was able to find some of his own words and opinions from his website. After losing their jobs in academia, the Foners made their living for a time as musicians, and performed frequently with Robeson. It is very disappointing and discouraging to know that young people are being indoctrinated by revisionist historians at major universities. We need you more now than ever before. We need more of our own. To my mind, Blackmar and Foner and Stephanson all belong on a list of Marxist or Marx-inspired historians, without question. The materials donated by Kessler-Harris appear to include documentation previously held by Eugene Lieber and others. Instead college students are fed leftist ideas and absorb it like a sponge. Are you equally disturbed by US support for Pinochet in Chile over their democratically elected Marxist leader? David Montgomery from The Guardian -- December 13 ... Marxist analysis and a commitment to racial equality. 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