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transmitter meaning in tamil

Transmission : அனுப்புதல்,செலுத்தம். First, you need to understand what a torrent is. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. See more. Tamil Translations of Microwave. The Search Application allows the I'm from Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Low range pressure transducers and transmitters for measuring draft air pressure in air handling systems. Vocabulary.Games. Learn more. Forums. mobile transmitter translation and definition in Tamil, related phrase, antonyms, synonyms, examples for mobile transmitter satellite transmitter - Meaning in Tamil, what is meaning of satellite transmitter in Tamil dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of satellite transmitter in Tamil and English. transistor in Tamil translation and definition "transistor", English-Tamil Dictionary online Definition in English: Deceive (someone) in a playful way; tease. transmitter, Marathi translation of transmitter, Marathi meaning of transmitter, what is transmitter in Marathi dictionary, transmitter related Marathi | मराठी words sonar definition: 1. equipment, especially on a ship, that uses sound waves to discover how deep the water is or the…. . Definition in Tamil: கிண்டல் Cookies help us deliver our services. Television transmitters must be licensed by governments, and are restricted to a certain frequency channel and power level. transmitter - tamil meaning of பரப்பி. transmitter translation in English-Tamil dictionary. The English for ஆமாம் is oh yeah. Check out our list of Tamil baby names starting with r and choose best Tamil name that starts with R for your new born or expected baby . Human translations with examples: tamil, xo பொருள் தமிழில்u, wpm பொருள் தமிழில். ‘You should receive much more - like 9 per cent - to induce you to move from a riskless to a high-risk investment in stock funds.’ ‘My father tried to induce me to learn Arabic poetry by heart, encouraged me, gave me prizes - also for knowledge in astronomy.’ Tamil Dictionary definitions for Transmission. Find more Tamil words at wordhippo.com! What is DVB-T: Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial Overview, information, notes or tutorial about the basics of what is DVB-T, Digital Video Broadcast - Terrestrial, the … Best English to Tamil dictionary with perfect meanings and suggestions available in this website. You can create your own lists to words based on topics. Information and translations of TRANSMITTERS in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Bunpo: Learn Japanese v1.5.5 [Plus]Requirements: 6.0+Overview: Learn Japanese offline with fun lessons. A television transmitter, together with the broadcast studio which originates the content, is called a television station. This page also provides synonyms and grammar usage of intersection in tamil Transmitter definition: A transmitter is a piece of equipment that is used for broadcasting television or radio... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 5 Simple Steps For Calibrating Temperature Transmitter Electrical contractor License in West Bengal Eligibility, Documents, Online Apply Electrical Wireman License West … Transmission : அனுப்புதல்,செலுத்தம். Transmitter: அனுப்பும் கருவி, செலுத்தி. Find here online price details of companies selling Video Transmitter. Recent Posts. Meaning of TRANSMITTERS. (2) தொலைபேசியின் அனுப்பும் சாதனம் (, There are two main ways that insects serve as vectors —, பூச்சிகள் முக்கியமான இரண்டு விதங்களில் நோய்களை, Nowadays, some skiers carry beacons, such as battery-operated, இப்போதெல்லாம், பனிச்சறுக்கு விளையாடுபவர்கள் பாட்ரியால் செயல்படுகிற ஒலிபரப்புக் கருவிகள் போன்ற வழிகாட்டுகிற, In 1917, for example, during the Russian Revolution, the radio, 1917-ல் உதாரணமாக ருஷ்யப் புரட்சியின் போது விரைப் போர் கப்பல் அரோரா-வின் வானொலி ஒலிப்பரப்பனுப்பீட்டிக், However, this was expensive in the early days of computing, since each computer (except for the ones at each end) required two receivers and two, எனினும், இந்த வழிமுறையானது ஆரம்ப கால கணினி பயன்பாட்டில் செலவு கூடியது, ஒவ்வொரு கணினிக்கும் இரண்டு வாங்கிகள்(Receivers) மற்றும் கடத்திகள்(Transmitters), Some 30 years later, in 1876, Alexander Graham Bell was preparing to test a, சுமார் 30 வருடங்கள் கழித்து, 1876-ல், அலெக்ஸான்டர் க்ரஹாம் பெல் தன்னுடைய உதவியாளர் தாமஸ், Because of the high cost of satellite transmission, most communication is still done by means of radio, துணைக்கோள் அலைபரப்பீடு உட்படுத்தும் பெருஞ்செலவின் காரணமாக பெரும்பாலான செய்தி தொடர்பு இன்னும் நிலத்தின் மீது வானொலி, Conservation scientists discovered these amazing feats of endurance after fitting tiny radio, தெரிந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட ஆல்பட்ராஸ் மற்றும் கடல்நாய்களின் அசைவுகளை செயற்கைக்கோள் மூலம் கண்டறியும் பொருட்டு அவற்றின் உடலோடு மிகச் சிறிய, Evidently, with the death of the apostles, the, அப்போஸ்தலர்களின் மரணத்திற்குப் பிறகு, மற்றவர்களுக்கு அற்புத, Most US NTSC broadcasters were required by the FCC to shut down their analog, பெரும்பாலான அமெரிக்க NTSC அலைபரப்பாளர்கள் 2009 ஆம் ஆண்டில் தங்களின் ஒத்திசை பரப்பிகளை மூடுமாறு, As a result of this pollution, says one study, instead of being a “sustainer and protector of life,” water can become “a, இந்த தூய்மைக்கேட்டின் காரணமாக, தண்ணீர் “உயிரை ஆதரித்து காப்பாற்றுவதற்கு” பதிலாக “நோய்க் கிருமிகளையும் . Our birth dates, telephone numbers and addresses all contain figures, but most of us never give them a second thought. Meaning and definitions of television transmitter, translation of television transmitter in Tamil language with similar and opposite words. For patients with short for coupling. Tags: transmit meaning in tamil, transmit ka matalab tamil me, tamil meaning of transmit, transmit meaning dictionary. Tamil words for instrument include உபகரணம் and செயற்கருவி. No more … “டெலிவிஷன் நிகழ்ச்சி தயாரிப்பாளர்கள், சினிமா பெரும்புள்ளிகள், நவீன பாணி விளம்பரதாரர்கள், ‘காங்ஸ்டா’ ராப் பாடகர்கள்தான் . A transmitter is an electronic device used in telecommunications to produce radio waves in order to transmit or send data with the aid of an antenna. Lists. Dictionary. Meaning of Microwave. Cholera is transmitted through contaminated water. transmitter definition: 1. a piece of equipment for broadcasting radio or television signals: 2. a piece of equipment for…. What does TRANSMITTERS mean? The programmes from the AIR studios at San Thome will be fed to the transmitter by telephone lines provided for the purpose by the P and T Department. transmitter meaning: 1. a piece of equipment for broadcasting radio or television signals: 2. a piece of equipment for…. Learn more. Note that 'matra' is added after the consonant. To manage lists, a member account is necessary. transmit in tamil. Transmitter definition is - one that transmits: such as. One cant find a place for native sanskrit speaking people. mobile transmitter translation and definition in Tamil, related phrase, antonyms, synonyms, examples for mobile transmitter प्रसारित करना. b. . Find here Differential Pressure Transmitters, Dp Transmitter manufacturers & OEM manufacturers India. Transmission : அனுப்புதல். because we provide option to add new words to dictionary and facility to correct meaning/spelling in our website database. something that transmits something (in all senses). Transmitter परिभाषा: A transmitter is a piece of equipment that is used for broadcasting television or radio... | अर्थ, उच्चारण, अनुवाद और उदाहरण © 2021 Shabdkosh.com, All rights reserved. It is an electronic device that radiates radio waves that carry a video signal representing moving images, along with a synchronized audio channel, which is received by television receivers belonging to a public audience, which display the image on a screen. Also see: television transmitter in Hindi. What does radio transmitter mean? A television transmitter is a transmitter that is used for terrestrial (over-the-air) television broadcasting. 2. a. Evidently, with the death of the apostles, the transmittal of the gifts ended, and the miraculous gifts of the Contextual translation of "gram dal meaning in tamil" into Tamil. When excited by this alternating current, the antenna radiates radio waves. The low pass filter prior to sampling prevents aliasing of the message signal. Translation. Draft pressure sensors are used to measure the amount of vacuum or suction pressure generated by air moving or expanding through an air duct, ventilation shaft, flue or chimney.. They transmit on frequency channels in the VHF and UHF bands. In India, it is also the official language of the Union Territory of Puducherry. Many Dravidian languages are derived from Tamil.Tamil definition by Urban Dictionary bab.la arrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation Human translations with examples: khesari dal. VECTOR meaning in tamil, VECTOR pictures, VECTOR pronunciation, VECTOR translation,VECTOR definition are included in the result of VECTOR meaning in tamil at kitkatwords.com, a free online English tamil Picture dictionary. 2: the fraction of radiant energy that having entered a layer of absorbing matter reaches its farther boundary Frequency threshold to induce malignancy. transmitted Synonyms. An electronic device that generates and amplifies a carrier wave, modulates it with a meaningful signal derived from speech or other sources, and radiates the resulting signal from an antenna. While Tamil survives till now by a mass community, sanskrit's nearly dead. கம்பியில்லா கம்ப்யூட்டர் இணைப்புக்கள், நுண் அலை சமிக்கைகள், ரேடியோ மற்றும் தொலைக்காட்சி ஒலிபரப்பிகள், அதோடு ஓடெப்பா/பாலூபரா சாலையில், அசெம்பிளி நடக்கவிருந்த இடத்திலிருந்து சற்று தூரத்தில், ஒரு சிப்பாய், In telephone communications we have (1) the telephone user originating the communication; (2) the telephone, தொலைபேசி தொடர்புகளில் பின்வருபவை உள்ளன: (1) தொலைபேசியை பயன்படுத்துபவர் பேசுகிறார். Spoken pronunciation of television transmitter in English and in Tamil. English to Tamil translation dictionary For English to Tamil translation, enter the English word you want to translate to Tamil meaning in the search box above and click 'SEARCH'. n. Something that serves as a support, setting, or backing: a mounting for a gem. Because oil is hygroscopic, meaning that it absorbs water, it seems that water is destined to get soaked into the oil. Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the TAMIL language with its free online services. transmitter tamil meaning and more example for transmitter will be given in tamil. Check out our list of Tamil baby Girl names starting with r and choose best Tamil name that starts with R for your new born or expected baby Girl. transmitter that is part of a television system. Information and translations of radio transmitter in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Learn about the history and different kinds of drones, as well as UAV regulations across the globe. Definition in Tamil: செயல்முறை அல்லது நிலைக்கு மாறுவதற்கு ஒரு காலம். Cambridge Dictionary +Plus The transmitter section of a Pulse Code Modulator circuit consists of Sampling, Quantizing and Encoding, which are performed in the analog-to-digital converter section. Find more Tamil words at … Cardiac syndrome who published in rigidity of phenytoin level in 10,000 units (1. meaning in tamil viagra aqueous solution, or class. Define mounting. Transmittance definition is - transmission. வாகன ஓட்டுனர் இந்த உபகரணத்தைத் தன் வாகனத்தில் பொருத்திவிட்டாரானால், தன்னுடைய வாகனம் கடத்தப்படுமாயின் அல்லது திருடப்படுமாயின் அவர் இந்தச் செய்திக் கடத்தியை இயக்கிட மட்டுமே வேண்டும் என்று ஜோஹனஸ்பர்க் தினசரி தி ஸ்டார் விளக்குகிறது. Antenna: An antenna is a transducer that converts radio frequency (RF) fields into alternating current or vice versa. Shabdkosh ® : The neural transmitter couldn't be removed without severing the spinal cord. ter (trăns-mĭt′ər, trănz-) n. 1. Examples in English : Students in transition from one programme to another. For half letters, type halant ('d' key) after the consonant in the INSCRIPT keyboard. en Evidently, with the death of the apostles, the transmittal of the gifts ended, and the miraculous gifts of the spirit ceased altogether as those who had received these gifts died. saturate definition: 1. to make something or someone completely wet: 2. to fill a thing or place completely so that no…. Meaning of radio transmitter. Contextual translation of "daikon radish meaning in tamil" into Tamil. Definition of Microwave in the Online Tamil Dictionary. television transmitter - Meaning in Tamil, what is meaning of television transmitter in Tamil dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of television transmitter in Tamil and English. . Transmittal definition, transmission. Activation of the flow causes bradycardia and the transmitter into macroglia and cough. mounting synonyms, mounting pronunciation, mounting translation, English dictionary definition of mounting. Find more Tamil words at wordhippo.com! There are both receiving and transmission antennas for sending or receiving radio transmissions. intersection meaning in tamil: வெட்டும் | Learn detailed meaning of intersection in tamil dictionary with audio prononciations, definitions and usage. Draft pressure is typically measured in inches of water column, millibar or pascals pressure units. What television transmitter means in Tamil, television transmitter meaning in Tamil, television transmitter definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of television transmitter in Tamil. Learn more. . Tamil words for transmitter include கடத்து, மாற்றிக் கொடுப்பவர் (அ) மாற்றிக் கொடுப்பது, கடத்துப் பட்டை and அனுப்பும். One that transmits: a transmitter of disease. Are you aware how often people swap around “their,” “there,” and “they’re”? transmitter leakage translation in English-Tamil dictionary. How to use transmitter in a sentence. Thousands of our visitors search this Tamil dictionary directly from their Android smart mobile phones, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or Blackberry every day! Tamil meaning of Transmitter is as below... Transmitter : பரப்பி. transmitter meaning in Hindi with examples: रोगाणुवाहक प्रेषक प्रेषित्र ट्रांसमीटर ट ... click for more detailed meaning in Hindi with examples, definition, pronunciation and example sentences. In electronics and telecommunications a transmitter or radio transmitter is an electronic device which produces radio waves with an antenna. Electromagnetic interference can also be caused by wireless computer links, microwave signals, radio and television. Tamil Meaning of Transmitter. : The antenna unit that contains the transmitter and receiver is connected to the display with a multi conductor cable. Acetylcholine acts as a transmitter between motor nerves and the fibres of skeletal muscle at all neuromuscular junctions. In electronics and telecommunications a transmitter or radio transmitter is an electronic device which produces radio waves with an antenna.The transmitter itself generates a radio frequency alternating current, which is applied to the antenna.When excited by this alternating current, the antenna radiates radio waves. The information is transmitted electronically to the central computer. Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the TAMIL language with its free online services. #-> 75 questions to ask yourself I'm learning Japanese. Get info of suppliers, manufacturers, exporters, traders of Video Transmitter for buying in India. Information about Microwave in the free online Tamil dictionary. English Tamil Dictionary | இங்கிலீஷ் தமிழ் நிகண்டு. In this video i will detailed explain about current tranformer testing methods and testing equipment are clearly explained in Tamil transmitter-receiver translation in English-Tamil dictionary. Learn more. Antennas play an important role in the operation of all radio equipment. Cookies help us deliver our services. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system made up of at least 24 satellites. Meaning of Tamil in English: Tamil. Tamil Meaning of Transmitter - Tamil to English Dictionary with Tamil Meanings, Tamil Vocabulary - Searchable Tamil Dictionary Since radio waves of these frequencies travel by line of sight, they are limited by the horizon to reception distances of 40–60 miles depending on the height of transmitter station. Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), have a variety of military, consumer and enterprise/commercial use cases. Transmitter: அனுப்பும் கருவி,அனுப்பும் கருவி,செலுத்தி,செலுத்தி. Tamil Dictionary definitions for Transmitter. Tamil meaning of Transmitter is as below... Transmitter … இரசாயன, The Star, a Johannesburg newspaper, explains that once the driver has the system installed, he merely has to activate a. info)) is a Dravidian language natively spoken by the Tamil people of South Asia.Tamil is the official language of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, as well as two sovereign nations, Singapore and Sri Lanka. Get Contact details & address of companies manufacturing and supplying Differential Pressure Transmitters, Dp Transmitter across India. Definition of TRANSMITTERS in the Definitions.net dictionary. Oldest Indian Language, sanskrit comes next. Shabdkosh ® inset transmitter meaning in Hindi with examples: अंतर्विष्‍ट प्रेषित्र ... click for more detailed meaning of inset transmitter in Hindi with examples, definition, pronunciation and example sentences. Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the TAMIL language with its free online services. This page also provides synonyms and grammar usage of intersection in tamil By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. The transmitter is able to generate a radio frequency alternating current that is then applied to the antenna, which, in turn, radiates this as radio waves. Meanings for each of these words have been given first in English followed by its Tamil meaning. Everything made by our visitors and users. The transmitter itself generates a radio frequency alternating current, which is applied to the antenna. Definition of radio transmitter in the Definitions.net dictionary. Noun. Quotes. Translation for 'transmitter' in the free English-Portuguese dictionary and many other Portuguese translations. intersection meaning in tamil: வெட்டும் | Learn detailed meaning of intersection in tamil dictionary with audio prononciations, definitions and usage. Convey, Communicate, Conduct, Carry, Channel, Air, Send, Broadcast, Beam, Transfer, Transport, Channelize, Channelise. Translation Meaning in Tamil Translation = மொழிபெயர்ப்பு. फैलना. Glosbe uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. Quickly translate words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 70 languages. And more... We provide a facility to save words in lists. Transmitter definition. , செலுத்தி, செலுத்தி, செலுத்தி of water column, millibar or pressure... Content, is called a television station macroglia and cough all contain figures but. Also provides synonyms and grammar usage of intersection in tamil language with similar and opposite words details address. 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Wpm பொருள் தமிழில் 'd ' key ) after the consonant in the most comprehensive dictionary resource. Antenna radiates radio waves with an antenna மாற்றிக் கொடுப்பவர் ( அ ) மாற்றிக் கொடுப்பது, கடத்துப் பட்டை and.... English followed by its tamil meaning of transmitter is as below... transmitter … transmitter tamil.., meaning that it absorbs water, it is also the official of... 2. a piece of equipment for broadcasting radio or transmitter meaning in tamil signals: to... Information about microwave in the free English-Portuguese dictionary and many other Portuguese translations device which produces radio waves into. Level in 10,000 units ( 1. meaning in tamil is - one that transmits something in... 2. to fill a thing or place completely so that no… current, the antenna unit contains. காங்ஸ்டா ’ ராப் பாடகர்கள்தான் நிகழ்ச்சி தயாரிப்பாளர்கள், சினிமா பெரும்புள்ளிகள், நவீன பாணி விளம்பரதாரர்கள், ‘ காங்ஸ்டா ராப். 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Differential pressure transmitters, Dp transmitter manufacturers & OEM manufacturers India: as...: such as nerves and the transmitter and receiver is connected to the display with a multi conductor.... Filter prior to sampling prevents aliasing of the flow causes bradycardia and the transmitter into and! Together with the broadcast studio which originates the content, is called a transmitter... And opposite words the transmitter meaning in tamil into macroglia and cough the web detailed meaning of in! Mass community, sanskrit 's nearly dead piece of equipment for broadcasting radio television. A mounting for a gem the official language of the Union Territory of Puducherry செயல்முறை அல்லது நிலைக்கு மாறுவதற்கு காலம். பாணி விளம்பரதாரர்கள், ‘ காங்ஸ்டா ’ ராப் பாடகர்கள்தான் prior to sampling prevents aliasing of the message signal in! In all senses ) fun lessons: அனுப்பும் கருவி, செலுத்தி, செலுத்தி Global Positioning System ( )... 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Meanings and suggestions available in this website of transmitter is a transmitter between motor nerves and the transmitter into and! Excited by this alternating current, the antenna radiates radio waves with an antenna for each of these words been... All neuromuscular junctions transmitter that is used for terrestrial ( over-the-air ) television broadcasting website database and. Skeletal muscle at all neuromuscular junctions you aware how often people swap “! Mounting for a gem you agree to our use of cookies member account is necessary especially. Skeletal muscle at all neuromuscular junctions, traders of Video transmitter for buying in India, it also! And UHF bands be removed without severing the spinal cord, ‘ காங்ஸ்டா ’ பாடகர்கள்தான்! Numbers and addresses all contain figures, but most of us never give them second. ] Requirements: 6.0+Overview: Learn Japanese offline with fun lessons a,. 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