It is the purpose that makes strong the vow; Mine honour keeps the weather of my fate: Lie every man holds dear; but the brave man. dissembling luxurious drab, of a sleeveless errand. You look upon that sleeve; behold it well. 'When she comes!' call for him at supper, you will make his excuse. Hector, in view of Trojans and of Greeks. In beastly sort, dragg'd through the shameful field. hath none. After so many hours, lives, speeches spent. You're an odd man; give even or give none. And I'll grow friend with danger. We are too well acquainted with these answers: But his evasion, wing'd thus swift with scorn, Much attribute he hath, and much the reason. Achilles stands i' the entrance of his tent: Please it our general to pass strangely by him, I will come last. stay the cooling too, or you may chance to burn your lips. Will he swagger himself out on's own eyes? the subject! When, What were you talking of when I came? Of nature be corrupted through affection, And that great minds, of partial indulgence. Our bloods are now in calm; and, so long, health! What grief hath set the jaundice on your cheeks? Holds honour far more precious-dear than life. Though no man lesser fears the Greeks than I. As seld I have the chance--I would desire, 'Tis Agamemnon's wish, and great Achilles. Fair Lord AEneas, let me touch your hand; So shall each lord of Greece, from tent to tent: Yourself shall feast with us before you go. That all the Greeks begin to worship Ajax; Since things in motion sooner catch the eye. He shall not carry him: I'll be ta'en too. Like a strange soul upon the Stygian banks. Disgrace to your great worths and shame to me. Consort with me in loud and dear petition, Pursue we him on knees; for I have dream'd, Of bloody turbulence, and this whole night. In die zin is de originele versie van het toneelstuk meer een romantische komedie van het type dat Shakespeare schreef rond 1600, zoals As You Like It en Twelfth Night. Make Cressid's name the very crown of falsehood. Or bring him off: fate, hear me what I say! Brave Troilus! Grasps in the comer: welcome ever smiles, And farewell goes out sighing. Minds sway'd by eyes are full of turpitude. If the dull brainless Ajax come safe off. Farewell, my lord: I as your lover speak; The fool slides o'er the ice that you should break. A drop of Grecian blood: the end crowns all. If you have stomach; the general state, I fear. It would discredit the blest gods, proud man, Think'st thou to catch my life so pleasantly. Though't be a sportful combat, For here the Trojans taste our dear'st repute. How some men creep in skittish fortune's hall. Sir, I foretold you then what would ensue: For yonder walls, that pertly front your town. There they stand yet, and modestly I think, The fall of every Phrygian stone will cost. To wrathful terms: this place is dangerous; The time right deadly; I beseech you, go. sweet sink, Good night and welcome, both at once, to those. birth, beauty, good shape, discourse, manhood. Opposed to hinder me, should stop my way. 'Well, well!' you are pleasant with me. Het thema is ontleend aan het klassieke verhaal van het beleg van Troje in Homerus' Ilias en aan het gelijknamige 14e-eeuwse werk Troilus and Criseyde van Geoffrey Chaucer. The youngest son of Priam, a true knight. Fools on both sides! The issue is embracement: Ajax, farewell. in truth, la. were not that a botchy core? Hector's dead! Nor dignifies an impure thought with breath; For Hector in his blaze of wrath subscribes, To tender objects, but he in heat of action. Paris? In the reproof of chance. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. Come, both you cogging Greeks; have at you both! The common, curse of mankind, folly and ignorance, be thine in, great revenue! That we have better men. thoughts, and hot deeds? Good Thersites, come in and rail. Were I the general, thou shouldst have my office. To Calchas' house, and there to render him. Let us address to tend on Hector's heels: Here art thou in appointment fresh and fair. Let us cast away, nothing, for we may live to have need of such a. verse: we see it, we see it. Himself! look on. I am your debtor, claim it when 'tis due. To our own selves bend we our needful talk. Farewell: the gods with safety stand about thee! Then tell me, Patroclus. I will not praise thy wisdom, Which, like a bourn, a pale, a shore, confines. But Pandarus,--O gods, how do you plague me! On, lord; we'll follow you. Be gone, I say: the gods have heard me swear. Thy commander, Achilles. And with his arms outstretch'd, as he would fly. Troilus. That we have stol'n what we do fear to keep! In love, i' faith, to the very tip of the nose. hast not slept to-night? A mock is due. I'll heat his blood with Greekish wine to-night. How now! O traitor Diomed! Hij verklaart dan aan Cressida zijn eeuwige liefde, maar Cressida wordt omgeruild bij de Grieken voor een Trojaanse krijgsgevangene. an you take leave till to-morrow morning,--. Cries 'come' to him that instantly must die. Let me see: Till he hath lost his honey and his sting; Sweet honey and sweet notes together fail. From heart of very heart, great Hector, welcome. As hot as Perseus, spur thy Phrygian steed. I would he were. you see? 'loo, Paris, 'loo! Cannot make boast to have that which he hath. Strike, fellows, strike; this is the man I seek. Go, go, my servant, take thou Troilus' horse; Present the fair steed to my lady Cressid: Fellow, commend my service to her beauty; Tell her I have chastised the amorous Trojan. a kiss in fee-farm! That all with one consent praise new-born gawds. Here's a letter come from yond poor girl. Which entertain'd, limbs are his instruments, In no less working than are swords and bows. Nature, what things there are, What things again most dear in the esteem, And poor in worth! It is too starved a subject for my sword. Instance, O instance! O thou great thunder-darter of Olympus. Be true to my lord: if he, You know now your hostages; your uncle's word and my. Gekwetst door wat hij gezien heeft in het kamp, komt hij boos tot het besluit dat Cressida wel een prostituee moet zijn en verbreekt het contact met haar. constant being won: they are burs, I can tell you; Boldness comes to me now, and brings me heart. For what, alas, can these my single arms? The tide whereof is now. and be gone from Troilus: 'twill be his death; I will not, uncle: I have forgot my father; No kin no love, no blood, no soul so near me. arithmetic but her brain to set down her reckoning: bites his lip with a politic regard, as who should, say 'There were wit in this head, an 'twould out;', and so there is, but it lies as coldly in him as fire. will you the knights. of Paris my lord, who's there in person; with him, the mortal Venus, the heart-blood of beauty, love's, No, sir, Helen: could you not find out that by her, It should seem, fellow, that thou hast not seen the, Lady Cressida. Well, the gods are above; time must friend, or end: well, Troilus, well: I would my heart were. Can scarce entreat you to be odd with him. 'Faith, to say truth, brown and not brown. [Within] What, 's all the doors open here? With such a hell of pain and world of charge. Great Agamemnon, That by a pace goes backward, with a purpose, It hath to climb. This lord, Achilles, Ajax, who wears his wit in his belly and, his guts in his head, I'll tell you what I say of, As will stop the eye of Helen's needle, for whom he, I would have peace and quietness, but the fool will. What wouldst thou of us, Trojan? When waterdrops have worn the stones of Troy, And mighty states characterless are grated. Thy spacious and dilated parts: here's Nestor; Put pardon, father Nestor, were your days. Finds bottom in the uncomprehensive deeps. strong as heaven itself; The bonds of heaven are slipp'd, dissolved, and loosed; The fractions of her faith, orts of her love, The fragments, scraps, the bits and greasy relics. I knew you not: what news with you so early? That doth renew swifter than blood decays! O, you, my lord? How doth pride grow? A proof of strength she could not publish more, Unless she said ' My mind is now turn'd whore.'. to, Ajax! Your eyes, half out, weep out at Pandar's fall; Or if you cannot weep, yet give some groans. See, see, your silence, Cunning in dumbness, from my weakness draws. In change of him: let him be sent, great princes, And he shall buy my daughter; and her presence. Enter TROILUS and CRESSIDA TROILUS Dear, trouble not yourself: the morn is cold. Troilus en Cressida (Engelse titel: Troilus and Cressida) is een toneelstuk van William Shakespeare. Is 'plain and true;' there's all the reach of it. I have bobbed his, brain more than he has beat my bones: I will buy, nine sparrows for a penny, and his pia mater is not. Fair be to you, my lord, and to all this fair. Should not our father. what, Troilus! Give us a prince of blood, a son of Priam. All dues be render'd to their owners: now. How now, my brother! But, march away: Thus proudly pight upon our Phrygian plains. Show not their mealy wings but to the summer, Hath any honour, but honour for those honours. Mock not, that I affect the untraded oath; Your quondam wife swears still by Venus' glove: She's well, but bade me not commend her to you. She came to him th' other, day into the compassed window,--and, you know, he, has not past three or four hairs on his chin,--, Indeed, a tapster's arithmetic may soon bring his, Why, he is very young: and yet will he, within. In Troy there lies the scene. I shall sooner rail thee into wit and holiness: but, I think, thy horse will sooner con an oration than. I'll tell her the next time I see her: for my part. Strike a free march to Troy! But for your health and your digestion sake. Through ranks of Greekish youth, and I have seen thee. They place before his hand that made the engine, Or those that with the fineness of their souls. Hoewel het toneelstuk Troilus and Cressida heet, komt Cressida weinig op het toneel. troubles me, and the foolish fortune of this girl; and what one thing, what another, that I shall, leave you one o' these days: and I have a rheum, in mine eyes too, and such an ache in my bones, that, unless a man were cursed, I cannot tell what. They say all lovers swear more performance than they, are able and yet reserve an ability that they never, perform, vowing more than the perfection of ten and, discharging less than the tenth part of one. thou learn a prayer without book. art changed for Antenor: thou must to thy father. Hath been as dear as Helen; I mean, of ours: To guard a thing not ours nor worth to us, Of common ounces? Go in to Troy, and say there, Hector's dead: There is a word will Priam turn to stone; Make wells and Niobes of the maids and wives. Why sigh you so profoundly? Let us, like merchants, show our foulest wares. Then marvel not, thou great and complete man. Stand where the torch may not discover us. Ha! what makes this pretty, abruption? The heavens themselves, the planets, and this centre, Observe degree, priority, and place, Insisture, course, proportion, season, form, Office, and custom, in all line of order. I had as, lief Helen's golden tongue had commended Troilus for. That holds his honour higher than his ease. Will strike amazement to their drowsy spirits: I was advertised their great general slept, How now, Thersites! Pray you, come in: I would not for half Troy have you seen here. As if that luck, in very spite of cunning. It is great morning, and the hour prefix'd. Take heed, the quarrel's most ominous to us: if the. Spent more in her defence. O world! Fly not; for shouldst thou take the river Styx. Which is that god in office, guiding men? For which we lose our heads to gild his horns. make demand. Let an old man embrace thee; And, worthy warrior, welcome to our tents. High birth, vigour of bone, desert in service, Love, friendship, charity, are subjects all. How do you, cousin? Thou must be my ambassador to him, Thersites. Leaps o'er the vaunt and firstlings of those broils, Beginning in the middle, starting thence away. Let me be privileged by my place and message. I will corrupt the Grecian sentinels, To give thee nightly visitation. Thersites! Frown on, you heavens, effect your rage with speed! Lies the true proof of men: the sea being smooth, Upon her patient breast, making their way. what shall be done, To him that victory commands? When right with right wars who shall be most right! I'd not believe thee. And did him service: he touch'd the ports desired. A whoreson tisick, a whoreson rascally tisick so. I could live and die i' the, eyes of Troilus. else holds fashion: a burning devil take them! In praising her: I tell thee, lord of Greece, She is as far high-soaring o'er thy praises. With wanton Paris sleeps; and that's the quarrel. Alarums, Enter MENELAUS and PARIS, fighting: then THERSITES, Puts off his helmet and hangs his shield behind him, As TROILUS is going out, enter, from the other side, PANDARUS, In Troy, there lies the scene. Why, this is brave now. No, Paris is not; for you know 'tis true. If any thing more than your sport and pleasure, Did move your greatness and this noble state, To call upon him; he hopes it is no other. Nothing at all, unless that this were she. That's. Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla has enjoyed exploring British music since her appointment as the CBSO’s Music Director five years ago. And to this purpose speak. You can buy the Arden text of this play from the online bookstore: Troilus and Cressida (Arden Shakespeare: Third Series) Entire playin one page. O' the t'other side, the policy of those crafty, swearing rascals, that stale old mouse-eaten dry, cheese, Nestor, and that same dog-fox, Ulysses, is, not proved worthy a blackberry: they set me up, in, policy, that mongrel cur, Ajax, against that dog of, as bad a kind, Achilles: and now is the cur Ajax, prouder than the cur Achilles, and will not arm, to-day; whereupon the Grecians begin to proclaim. Paris should ne'er retract what he hath done. Because not there: this woman's answer sorts. Proud Diomed, believe. Why, his masculine whore. yonder? porridge after meat! Soft infancy, that nothing canst but cry. Na de komische woordspelingen van de eerste vier bedrijven, verwacht men geen ruw vijfde bedrijf. Troilus and Cressida Illustrated (0) 22,99. Offering to it nog geen onmiddellijke publicatie music in a flint, which with one voice 'll give you,! Do but partly know, sir, you will play the tyrant luck, in such hell. 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